Dr. Stefan Höhme

Head of Research Group Image analysis and multiscale tissue modeling – Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics – University Leipzig
Role in LiSyM-Cancer
- Project leader in SMART-NAFLD
- Project leader in C-TIP-HCC
- Contributes processing, analysis and quantification of multimodal data (e.g. images from 2D-, 3D-, video-microscopy and MRI)
- Expert in image analysis and 3D tissue modeling for systems medicine
- Construction of spatio-temporal multi-scale 3D models of liver tissue, comprehensive algorithms for generation of virtual tissues including detailed vascular structures, and AI-based models and analysis
- 2009, PhD in Computer science at University of Leipzig
- 2005, Master studies (Dipl. Inf.): Major in Computer science, Minor in Biomedicine
Professional Experience
- Since 2015, Group leader (DFG Emmy-Noether Programme) at Leipzig University
- 2010 - 2014, PostDoc at the Interdisciplinary Centre for Bioinformatics (IZBI) in Leipzig; Partner of the Associated Team QuanTiss at INRIA, Paris
Honors and Awards
- Since 2023, Associate Member at ScaDS.AI Dresden/Leipzig
- 2012, Reinhard Heinrich Award for Best Annual Thesis (1st prize) from any area of Mathematical and Theoretical Biology in Europe received by the European Society for Mathematical and Theoretical Biology (ESMTB)